

ber, bariz, ida, kuya nico, dargs,
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coming back
Saturday, April 12, 2008, 8:49 PM

So far this is my summer.....

save us if we drowned..hehehe
chilling at Kuya Nico's grad celebration
the fools during April Fool's day
my new friends..hehe
going to manila zoo peninsula for Kuya Nico's grad ball...
what will you get if you cross a pig and a fish?...I've no idea..
sleeping?? no just showing my Teriyaki Boy Summer Crew Application form

I'm back! So I abandoned my blog for weeks, because the freaking DSL can't give me internet connection. Plus I'm just at home and there is nothing to blog about. To kill my boredom and past through the days of insanity of being worthless human being, I indulged myself to...
  1. finished my half-read books like Harry Potter 7. Yup, Harry Potter fans will probably call me sore loser, for being the last one to finished the book, but no one can't blame me cause last school year was crazy so I didn't find time to finished it.
  2. Grey's Anatomy, actually I started to watch this series a year ago, but I wasn't able to finished the first season. So when I saw Grey's Anatomy at Star World; I remember that I have a DVD of it. Mygod, I'm starting to like medicine..hehehe.
  3. watching different shows like; Will and Grace (Velvet), Keeping up with the Kardashians (ETC), E (ETC), ANTM 9 (ECT), and of course American Idol (Star World). plus Studio 23 is airing UAAP classics every after.

My review class started last Tuesday, and it turned out to be fun, although it was draining. Imagine, 4 hours for Science, Math and English, but like I've said it was fun. Who wouldn't be? Especially when your wit crazy people like yourself. And at the same time, I'm gaining a lot of information every meeting like getting the n!.

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