

ber, bariz, ida, kuya nico, dargs,
nikki, ceejae, ate jessa, janine,
mica, ruth, danders, fenina, bebeng,
katrina, erika


June 2007 | July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 | December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | December 2008 | January 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 |
oh boy!
Saturday, March 29, 2008, 9:42 PM

I finally landed a job. yehey! But I think I screw it up. Why? Cause I got sick during my first day. Actually my mom hired me at their office to do some paper works but after typing and sorting papers; I got a headache which led to a fever. Maybe I'm really destined to be a couch potato during this summer vacation. But I'm badly in need of cold cash because I don't get allowance during vacation. I'm keeping my fingers cross that my mom will hire me again, even though I find the job boring, but it's a matter of all or nothing for me.

Mygod it's hot these days, imagined the temperature reached up to 33 Celsius. That's the effect of global warming. My dad's solution is to buy us a swimming pool (the inflatable one),so he got us one. hehehe. But Leah is the only one whose enjoying it.

Two of my cousins are graduating one from grade school and one from high school, kuya Nico had his last Wednesday and Carlo will have his on Monday. I just want to congratulate them and all the other graduates of 2008.

David survived this week. But it's Chikeze last week, I'm quite sad because Chikeze is one of my favorite. Who will be cut kaya next week? Thank God for American Idol cause it's one of the things/show that kills my boredom.


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feeling holy this holy week?!
Sunday, March 23, 2008, 11:55 PM

Superman can fly but He can multiply bread into thousands
Spiderman can make spider web but He can make miracles
Batman has Robin with his side but He has the Spirit of the Father in his heart
He is definitely not an ordinary HERO
He doesn't have the strength like of Superman
Nor the velocity of Flash
Nor the X-ray vision of Cyclops
But He has the courage to follow the will of the Father
He carried the cross of the world
He's our teacher
He's our brother
All I want to say is thank you for being a FRIEND Jesus!!

Happy Easter everyone! Though it is already 12 midnight so it no longer Easter Sunday. Actually I can't sleep that's why I'm here. I'm stuck here in our house during the Holy Week, there were plans to go to our farm in Batangas but my parents were busy so we stayed at home. But we went for a "bisita Iglesia" last Thursday night; we visited 7 churches. So aside from being a certified couch potato over these past few days; I am damsel pig in distress so instead of losing some fats, I gained some weight. This calls for a heavy exercise starting tomorrow.

5 Lessons Learned this Holy Week:
  • Problems in life are like the cross of Jesus; we should take it cause it will surely make us a better person.
  • We should resurrect in every failures that we will have.
  • There is always Simon of Cyrene around to help us.
  • Have faith cause everything is possible if we just believe.
  • Forgive and Forgive, don't just forget but learn from it.

It's friggin' hot these days and I'm sweating every seconds of every minute of the day. I miss the rainy days. By the way, Ateneo and La Salle PBA player tied up with a score of 90-90 during the first PBA Ateneo-La Salle face off awhile ago. Mac Mac Cardona is still ff'ing hot. And another latest, Pinoy Big Brother teen edition just started. And guess what there's an Atenista and Lasalista in the most popular house in the Philippines. Oh well, I hope people will choose a better winner this time cause I so hate Kim. Bye. Good Night.


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what time is it?
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 7:56 PM

during our regular boring classes..

Teachers: Class, what time is it?

Class: Summer time. *laugh*

From just a simple idea of an atom to Ketones and Esters.
From the young and innocent Crisostomo Ibarra to fierce Simoun.
From scalar and vector quantity to nosebleeding centripetal force.
From the two-column proof to cofunctions.
From the pressure of success to the depression caused by failure
From heartaches to headaches that causes internal hemorrhage
Yet all of the sleepless night and tears were worth it
Cause I learned and enjoyed every single day of it...


Ten months of waking up at 5 a.m., going to school and waiting for 4.30 in my seat in our Physics room, laughing my lungs out with the jokes of Ms. Toledo. It has been so crazy; projects, school activities and not to mention our Saturday classes. This school year is the best (so far), though a lot of problems pops along the way that fuck up my life, but those problems opened my eyes that life is not a mere fairytale that always have an happy endings. Living and accepting the reality of life is hard especially when you always have the vision of your own happily-ever-after, because in reality things can't always go with your side. Decisions and Failure are two of my least favorite words, that I often hear this year. Everyone is pressured because sooner or later we are going to choose the course will take for college, and the our teachers did their job hands down by dumping a large pile of requirements to prepare us for our senior year and for college. Falling flat on the ground is one of my fears, and I learned that not all the time there is someone who will offer a hand to help you stand and sometimes you need to stand by your own; so you shouldn't live with the promise that somebody will catch you when you fall. There are a lot of reasons to give up and just live in a life full of misery but there are nth reasons to be strong and to laugh and just enjoy every nanoseconds for our lives. Because there are crazy people around us that make us laugh through their corny jokes and good sense of humor. There are people who inspire us and drive us to attain success. The people who give criticism to make us better. The people we call friends who are there when we need a helping hand, a sponge that absorb our problems and make us smile. Another school year had finished and looking forward for my senior year two months from now.

People leave because they need to not because they want to...

Finally the cruelty of Junior year is over. It time to hit the beach. SUNBURN!!


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100th power
Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 11:08 PM

This is my 100th post. hehe, share ko lang. As promised I changed my layout. I wasn't able to blog last week because I was busy, because it was my periodic test. Of course, the tests are hard (may iba pa dun?). Plus, I was busy making our thesis for Research, at least the sleepless nights payed-off because we submitted on time so we got 95!! yehey. Bye. Sorry for a very random post, I just miss blogging :)

We're so close yet it feels that we are worlds apart :)


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promise :)
Sunday, March 2, 2008, 8:34 PM

i'll update tomorrow and promise that i'll change my layout as for now I'm really tired so I need to sleep :) Good night every one!!!


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