

ber, bariz, ida, kuya nico, dargs,
nikki, ceejae, ate jessa, janine,
mica, ruth, danders, fenina, bebeng,
katrina, erika


June 2007 | July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 | December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | December 2008 | January 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 |
the freaking trojan
Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 6:34 PM

So our PC is again infected by several viruses, that's why I'm suck with ate jessa's laptop. grrh. So I have two choices: 1) to reformat the computer and all my files will be gone like a bubble, or 2) just have patience and share the laptop with ate and wait for my dad's friend to reformat the computer plus i think he can still save my old files. Okay, I'll choose number two but i should get ready for the fights that ate and i will have over this laptop. Why do people make viruses that will infect the system of our PCs? What can they get for that the prize of boasting that they hacked and destroyed a computer system? They are not intelligent; they stupid people who have nothing to do with their own lives, that's why they messed other people's lives. I hate them.

Days are just getting slower and sloooowwer. And nights are getting shorter, one proof is jamie having a eye bags. Kasi naman hindi ako masyadong nagkakaroon ng eye bags, that's a good thing if you have small chinky eyes. So everyone are busy, and next week will be my finals, alleluia!! And we are having our qualifying test for the three major subjects yesterday. Today we had our test for chemistry, mygod nosebleeding, how can you answer a test that needs your stock knowledge if you don't any information in your system.hehehe. Tomorrow will be our test in Geometry. good luck na lang sa akin :)

Inertia is present in my system that this moment. I resist every motion.hehe. I love Physics :) So God Bless for the rest of the next week. Bye.


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it's too late..
Sunday, February 17, 2008, 2:34 PM

Is it too late to greet you all a happy Valentine's day?? Love is one of a kind emotion that all of us feel every single day of our lives. Valentine's day shouldn't be the only day we show who much we love those people around us, so I hope everyone had fun during the love season, single or committed man, because everybody deserve some L.O.V.E.


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caffeinated hearts.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 9:02 PM

my date with my barkada
Who said singles can't have fun during this love season? And who said that valentine's is just for those who have special someone? It maybe a little early celebration of valentine's day but I really had a blast with my friends, unfortunately our all-knowing friend, Danica, who just turned 15 last sunday didn't able to join us because she has a check-up. So we stimulate ourselves with caffeine from starbucks and we played hot sit, where we got toasted and we burned Bariz by throwing a lot of questions. It was funfunfun!!! So even though most of us don't have a valentine we surely have each other :) I love them!!

Tomorrow we don't have classes, but I'll be going at Ber's place cause we'll edit our music video for Geometry. I really love Ber's family plus the fried chicken of her mom, super yummy :)

So that's all for now, I still need to fix our study room for tito Jojo because he's staying with us tonight. And our study room is just a mess, super gulo; books here and there, bags, shoes and some bunch of our other crap. Just imagine how busy we (ate jessa and i) are that we can't even manage to clean our study room. Ate has her thesis, while I have a huge pile of projects to work on. Okay, I'm sick of ranting about school works especially about projects because it just pissed me off. I'll share with you something next time :)


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my crazy world with my sweaty hand..hehe
Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 7:27 PM

So before I rant about some stuff, I just want to share our class picture. I search the four corners of the pictures for Chelcie and Maica, but I wasn't able to spot them because they were absent during the picture taking, hehe. So our class picture was edited so even though you zoom the picture; our faces are pimple-free, hehe. I LOVE ST. ANTHONY :)

It's been a week since my paper bag (which has my social science book, computer book, my new intermediate paper and my favorite hair brush) was lost or stolen in our school's waiting shed. I'm just pissed because I really need my soc. sci. book, grrh. But I'm not hoping that it will be returned. My hands are really sweating badly/ excessively these days, my dad said it's due to the unbalance temperature of my body. I can't even balance the effing equations in chemistry, so tell me how can I balance my body temperature. Speaking of balance, I'm having a hard time balancing my life right now, due to the unending projects my teachers are giving; mygod, I'll throw a party if I'll survive this super hell quarter.
There is a lot of things that makes our lives complicated. Sometimes it made us doubt the decisions we chose...


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love bug attack...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 8:15 PM

Cupid was so busy pairing up other people and forgot to hit me with his arrow of love. So I guess I'm one of those people who will celebrate valentine's day alone, okay I'm not really alone I still have my friend and family to celebrate it with :) 9 days before the heart's day.

So our departmental test is over, one more test to come then I can scream "Its Summer time :)" As usual the test was hard. Sobrang dami ko pang gusto ikwento pero I still need to finish my assignments kaya next time na lang, bye :)


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