

ber, bariz, ida, kuya nico, dargs,
nikki, ceejae, ate jessa, janine,
mica, ruth, danders, fenina, bebeng,
katrina, erika


June 2007 | July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 | December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | December 2008 | January 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 |
a sweet escape
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 2:15 PM

Actually I'm supposed to be doing my portfolios in Physics and Chemistry but I got bored in cutting and pasting my damn quizzes and seat works. That's why I'm blogging!!! By the way, in my previous post I was ranting about how I want to know something but at the same time I'm afraid to know the truth. So I asked a friend for an advice without knowing that she knows the answer to my million dollar question. Indeed the truth can set a free,hehehe. So I guess tomorrow will be a good day for all of the Paulinians of Paranaque because I heard it will be half-day tomorrow plus there will be a mass then a program which means that there will be no classes, hooray!! Last January 25 was suppose to be St. Paul's day but unfortunately we had our regular friday classes; corny!! So if you're curious what I'm up to these days check out my multiply site I guess, I should get back on my project, bye!!


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curiosity kills..
Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 5:45 PM

"Curiosity kills", that's according to Ruth and you know what; it's true. Have you ever experience wanting to know the answer to a simple query that is driving you crazy but at the same time you don't want to know the truth because you are scared? You're scared that the answer will change everything. But the longer it takes of depriving yourself to grasp the truth; the more you feel weird and paranoid. But then sometimes it's better not to know the truth than hurt someone and worse you end up hurting yourself, and regret what you have done. But CURIOSITY is slowly killing me and I prefer to die in a guillotine than to be a psycho.

But thank God I have a tons of project to do; to distract me and preventing me to be a psycho-freak. And besides my problem is nothing comparing to the different trials people are experiencing all over the world. Okay, back to the project thing, I just want to take back what I just said (that I am not thankful that I have a lot project). And as the matter of fact projects are also killing me together with my fellow classmates. Imagine, we are sacrificing our Saturday-life to make those things, that will not really help us to be a better citizen of this society. Teachers just give and give projects without knowing that their student can't barely have a eight hours of sleep because they are busy with their assignments and projects. I have nothing against projects but I'm just asking for moderation, maybe one project per subject is enough; two is more than enough and three is super duper more enough (sorry for the super-superlative).

Katya and Gian..i saw this pic at tito Norman's multiplysite...i miss them and they are so cute in there winter clothes they look like cotton balls..heheh..i miss them sobra!!

bye ^_^


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gathering the broken pieces of my life :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 6:23 PM

Recollection is the moment where we gathering the scattered pieces of our lives. So today was III-St. Anthony's recollection. We were isolated in the Damascus hall to experience and feel God's presence and love. The theme for this years' recollection was about decisions; the decisions we made and the decisions we will make. It was a really fun learning experience; plus the fact that the food is for free and we didn't had any classes, which means that we were free from Chemistry, Physics, Geometry and Physics for a day.haha(evil laugh)haha.

No regrets, No hesitations, No looking back. I saw this line in one of the slide of Sr. Bernadette (our reco master). Everyday we make decisions; we choose to do this and that. And It's our last decision that lead us to where we are now. And according to the reco letter of my mother dear, "I hope this time you know what's good or bad for you" But sometimes we end up saying to our selves that we don't have a choice; oh come on, that's pathetic we always have a choice, but sometimes we don't use it. We let other people decide for us and we end up blaming our selves for being such a mess. Lesson learned: Choose the direction that will lead you closer to God :)

"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. And, of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. But, once in a while, people push onto something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because, it's only when you’re tested that you truly discover who you are. And, it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist; somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief. And, beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead."

I love St. Anthony! I really love my classmates. They are ones who make me laugh my lungs out and they ease the pressure we are experience because of school works and personal problems. I'm so thankful to be a part of this group :) So I'm expecting something to happen today but it didn't but it's okay siguro they need more time. Okay scratch that out. But I hope everything will be okay now :) Thanks pala sa mga nagbigay na reco letter, I love Ate Jessa and Ida's letter. It made me cry, drama ba? Bariz sorry ulit, I hope okay na tayo ah, kasi miss na kita. Basta I had a wonderful day. Pictures will be upload when I find the connector of the cam to our PC. :) bye


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a start of another sweet thing :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008, 8:20 PM

My lazy bone in my body is activated so I'll not rant about school and life, but I just want to share a part of the pilot episode of One Tree Hill Season 5. Yup, it's the fifth season already but I'll never tired of it, who does anyway? So the name of Haley and Nathan's son is Jamie, same as my name; the difference is his a bro and I'm ho. hehe. I got it from youtube.

And by the way season one of Gossip Girl Series is over the 13th episode is the last, and I can't wait of the second season; it will be much scandalous and glamorous.


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pause then forward..
Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 5:42 PM

A year to live; 12 months of joy and laughters; 48 weeks full of blessing; 336 days of giving love to our neighbors; 8, 064 hours to make a change in this world; 483, 840 minutes of dreaming; and 29, 030, 400 seconds of chances. I can't imagine na 2008 na, another year full of blessing and of course I'll expect problems that I will come across in my way. 2007 is over, but the lessons that I gained, and the people I've meet; will definitely be a part of my 2008. So it is the last day of my Christmas Vacation, tomorrow will be the first day of classes in the year 20.08; honestly tinatamad pa akong pumasok, but a tiny little part of me already wants to go to school, because I miss my friends and classmates, and of course of the A.L.L.O.W.A.N.C.E. And finally, I finished my amblin kanina, kaya I'm so happy. By the way, I brought a "black sheep" shirt at Maldita last week :) plus a new jacket. I'm just in the mood of spending the money I got during the holidays. Bye :) Happy New Year :)


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